Wave#1: Starting a Newsletter

How to start your newsletter TODAY!

GM everyone ☕.

First, thank you so much for being here. Your support means a lot to me. This newsletter is something new and I feel scared and excited at the same time. I have the intention to grow this newsletter as a major part of my personal brand.

In today’s wave, we’ll see:

  • Who is Symuria (me) and a brief summary of his Web3 journey.

  • How to start your newsletter from today.

  • The first step to financial freedom.

  • My best investments so far.

Let’s dive in 👇.

1. Who is Symuria?

Symuria is me, I am Symuria. More seriously, I’m Damien. Nice to meet you. I’m a researcher in biochemistry. I graduated from my PhD studies last year, and I finally have a Web2 job.

However, I realized during my PhD studies that it was possible to become financially free. I used to think being rich was a utopia until I watched a video (more about this later). I discovered web3 around that time and fell in love with it.

My crypto/ NFT journey started in July 2021 and I’ve had gains and losses. I started as a mod, first for free, then paid, until I stopped this year. Trading was interesting but I discovered something more powerful: creating my own personal brand. I have to thank NFT GOD for being the one who opened my eyes, and then Zaimiri for his content about building a brand. I then discovered many other legends like Legendary, Bubits, Kelano, and many more.

I’m here to stay. I’m here to build. I’m here to make noise until I can’t be ignored anymore. Eventually, all web3 will know about Symuria. Mark my words.

Now that it’s said, let’s build together. Let’s write a newsletter, or improve it if you already have one.

2. Starting a newsletter

I recently posted a thread about starting a newsletter. In this thread, I asked 5 newsletter writers an advice to someone willing to start a newsletter.

It would not be fun to just repeat this thread. This newsletter is a good mean to go further. Let’s analyze what these 5 legends have to say, and how I’m applying it in my current newsletter.

  • First, Zaimiri said:

That’s what I did. This newsletter is probably far from being perfect, but I started. I’ll probably fail a lot on the road, but that’s how I’ll learn.

  • Elena said:

I did it: “Riding the wave of wealth creation in the Web3 world, with insightful tips on personal branding, personal development and investing.” I’ll be consistent in my writings.

  • Alex Is Building said:

Every week, he has 4 modules that don’t change:

  1. Audience Growth Advice

  2. Business/ Skill Growth

  3. Wellness

  4. Building my newsletter

My newsletter will be structured as followed:

  1. Web3 Information: News, project analyses, airdrops etc

  2. Personal branding/ Growth: Socials hacks, algo, storytelling etc

  3. Personal development: Organization hacks, healthy habits, book club etc

  4. Investing: NFA, simply investing techniques, or investment ways to keep an eye on

  • Legendary said:

I’ll always keep in mind this quote. I’ll do my best to provide value. One way I found is to provide further information than what I usually tweet about. For example, right now, I’m explaining how to use my previous thread to apply it by yourself.

  • Finally, Bubits said:

I enjoy it for sure. I’ll also add a personal touch by explaining more about my past experiences.

Now that I’ve detailed how I used this thread to start my newsletter, I expect you all to start yours, or improve it if you already have one.

3. The first step to financial freedom

I was still a student when I watched a video about becoming rich, featuring Robert Kiyosaki. I discovered that being rich was actually just a matter of mindset. From that day, I’ve known I’ll reach financial freedom.

I bought personal development books. The one which opened my eyes being Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Here are my top advices about having the right mindset:

  • Believe that you can do it

  • Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve

  • Be open to learning and growing

  • Take calculated risks (be willing to try new things, even if there’s a chance of failure)

  • Have a strong work ethic and be disciplined

  • Surround yourself with positive and supportive people

Now that you have the right mindset, let’s talk about my best investments so far.

4. My best investments so far

No shady memecoin talk here. I believe the best investments you can do are investments in yourself. They build your core. Investments in assets like crypto/ NFTs/ shares etc come once you’ve built a solid core.

Here are my best investments so far:

  • Books: I’ll share all along our journey together.

  • La Bourse Démocratisée by Matthieu Louvet: Don’t be afraid by this French name. This investment is a complete course about everything required to master the stock market. This comes with a lifetime access to a community and experts here to answer questions, coaching and so on. Don’t worry if you can’t speak French. I’ll probably share a lot of knowledge from this course in my newsletter.

  • 1% Club by NFT GOD: Does this need an introduction? I posted a thread about why I’ve joined this club.

Final word

That’s all for this first wave. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This newsletter will become a big part of my personal brand.

If you like, feel free to share it with people who might be interested.

If you have any feedback, or question, feel free to reach me by DM on Twitter. I’m always happy to receive messages.

See you next time. GN 🌙.